
Directing Actors

One of the first aspects you come across in a staging work is directing actors. By following this MOOC, you will (re)discover the fundamentals of directing actors and a range of methods. From the choice of actors to the finalization of the show, you will learn to direct actors, exchange, and transmit.

At the end of this MOOC, your artistic positioning will be strengthened. If you are a director, you will professionalize your practice. As for the others, they will dive into the many challenges of the profession.

Course map

  • Part 1

    Stage directing and directing actors

  • Part 2

    Dramaturgical work and staging

  • Part 3

    The director’s goals and occupations

  • Part 4

    The director’s language

  • Part 5

    How directing actors works

  • Part 6

    Finalizing the show